You did it! You helped us raise enough money for two <dramatic pause> million <dramatic pause> meals—as part of our biggest match ever! Take a second and let that sink in. Your generosity will provide several days’ worth of food for each of the 270,000 people served by the Food Bank every month.
Of course, the 2 Million Meal Challenge would not have been possible without the sizable spark from Behring Global Educational Foundation, which ignited this incredible display of community kindness. It just goes to prove we can move mountains—and meals—when we come together and lift each other up during hard times.
Words alone cannot do our gratitude justice, especially as we head into the summer months—when child hunger rises. You deserve a grand gesture, like a firework display, a sky-written message or perhaps a holiday in your name. But we know all you really want is to see all our neighbors set up for success, and that’s exactly what your support accomplishes.
On behalf of all the people who don’t have to skip a meal because you cared enough to give, we thank you. Now, VP Kim Castaneda and staff have a special message for you!
We reached our most ambitious goal yet!

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