Your generosity extends to every corner of Contra Costa and Solano Counties to nourish families, seniors, children and individuals in need. Here is where you make an impact in our community…

Partner Agencies
The backbone of our community is the 260+ food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, school programs, and more, who receive truck loads of food from the Food Bank to stock their shelves to assist in serving 1 in 4 community members in Contra Costa and Solano.
Drive-Thru Distributions
Started as a way to distribute food during the pandemic, community members may receive fresh and nonperishable food from the safety and convenience of their cars. Food Bank staff and volunteers load directly into the trunks of our neighbors’ vehicles.
Community Produce Program
We deliver fresh produce to local communities utilizing customized refrigerated trucks that act as mobile farmer’s markets. Neighbors receive up to 20 pounds of produce at each distribution.
Senior Food Program
One of our fastest growing programs, vulnerable seniors 55+ receive free groceries, including healthy pantry staples, eggs, cheese and assorted meats at least twice a month.