Our Programs

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano provides free food directly to the community through a variety of programs and services.

College Pantry

We provide food and support to food pantries located on local junior and four-year colleges, as well as adult education schools.

Community Produce

We deliver fresh produce to local communities utilizing customized refrigerated trucks that act as mobile farmer’s markets. Clients receive up to 20 pounds of produce, twice per month.


As Feeding America’s West Coast hub for disaster response, the Food Bank provides Ready-Set Meals, food and water during the aftermath, as well as longer-term food assistance to people rebuilding their lives.


Patients referred by the Contra Costa County Health Department receive supplemental food, including fresh produce, twice a month.

Farm 2

We partner with low-income schools and school districts to provide fresh produce for distribution through school lunch and after-school programs.

Kids Nutrition
on Weekends

K-NOW provides two breakfasts, two lunches and two snacks to bridge the weekend meal gap for school-aged children.

Mobile Food

This mobile pantry is open to Solano County Public Health patients who have been prescribed healthy, shelf-stable food and fresh produce by their medical provider.

A volunteer hands out free food to a community member.

Mobile Pantry Distributions

In addition to fresh fruits and veggies, participants also receive a bag of shelf-stable pantry staples, proteins and dairy.

School Pantry

Healthy pantry staples are available at select elementary, middle and high schools.

Senior Food

Low-income seniors 55+ receive free, healthy pantry staples, eggs, cheese and assorted meats twice a month.

In Partnership with Our Community

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano provides support through a variety of community programs.

CalFresh logo

CalFresh Outreach 

CalFresh, California’s version of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), provides nutrition benefits to assist food-insecure families with stretching their food budgets and helping them afford healthy food. The Food Bank performs outreach to the estimated 30% of qualifying households who are not enrolled in CalFresh even though it is the single most effective hunger-fighting tool available in California.

Agency Partners

We partner with 260 local nonprofits to help carry out our mission of ending hunger. Nearly half of the food we distribute is through our partner agencies, which include soup kitchens, church pantries, transitional housing services and child-care centers.

Are you already a partner agency? Check out our Agency Portal with resources, best practices, and grant opportunities. Interested in becoming a partner agency? Please review our eligibility requirements.

Want to host a distribution site? If you are interested in hosting a regular distribution site, review the guidelines and get started.

Questions? For more information about Food Bank programs, contact ProgramsTeam@foodbankccs.org.