Jenny is a Food Bank 2021 Speaker Series graduate, Community Advocacy Partner, and Board Member who welcomes opportunities to advocate for college hunger and food as medicine. Jenny is a Nurse at Saint Mary’s College of California, where she sees firsthand how food insecurity negatively impacts a student’s physical health and academic abilities. Jenny initiated USDA food insecurity screening at her college because she believes students can only reach their academic potential when they have reliable access to healthy food.
Jenny has served as a panelist at the California Association of Food Banks and Feeding America conferences, where she detailed her Speaker Series experience. Jenny has advocated for 2023 Farm Bill priorities with her elected officials in Washington DC and for the Food Bank’s legislative State priorities in Sacramento during Hunger Action Week. Jenny is honored to be a recipient of the 2023 California Hunger Action Coalition Hunger Fighter Award.
Jenny in Action
Feeding America Conference Session Video with Food Bank Advocates