A CalFresh team member in hands a bag of oranges to a woman.

JP Contreras

Benefit Barriers for Immigrants

JP is a 2024 Speaker Series graduate, a co-chair of the Food Bank’s Equity Allies committee, a first-generation college student, and a Mexican immigrant. Currently, in his role as CalFresh Coordinator and hunger fighter, he helps college students and non-citizens apply, troubleshoot, and access the CalFresh benefits they are entitled to. Whenever possible, JP shares his story with neighbors and community leaders to spread awareness of the extra hoops some populations in our community have to jump through to receive benefits.

As a permanent resident of the USA, JP understands how hard it can be for immigrants to ask for help, especially when trying to avoid life-impacting mistakes. JP saw first-hand the fear of immigration repercussions while navigating all the forms and translating them for his family.

With an AA in Psychology, JP would like to one day educate folks about trauma-informed food insecurity and its effects on the community. He strives to educate individuals and families to understand the programs in place to help them become food secure. JP works closely with Solano Community College to implement programs to be considered as exemptions — allowing more students to be eligible for CalFresh. As part of his work with the Food Bank’s Community Advocacy Program (CAP), JP advocates for legislative bills that support the expansion of the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) to allow everyone access to benefits — regardless of immigration status.