"Everything's so expensive ... I know we're all feeling that struggle right now." - Tati

Supporting kids today, tomorrow and beyond

Kids are the future of our community – and when they get the nourishment they need to thrive, it makes a lifelong difference. That’s why in the most recent edition of At the Table, the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano’s bi-annual newsletter, we’re sharing all the ways you’re

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Four women post in front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Food Bank Advocacy Team and CAP Advocates take D.C.

For the first time in the history of our Food Bank’s Advocacy Team, two of our CAP Advocates joined us at the Feeding America and Food Research and Action Center National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference and Lobby Day in Washington, D.C.  Food Bank Government and Public Affairs Manager Cassidie Carmen Bates,

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CalFresh outreach coordinator at work.

What the debt ceiling deal means for hunger

CalFresh (known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) makes it easier to buy groceries when money is tight – but for neighbors in their fifties, accessing this important nutritional benefit is about to get more difficult.  Here’s what you need to know about how the new deal

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Two women volunteer with the Food Bank.

5 ways to make it a kinder summer

School’s out and the relaxing, sunny days of summer are here. But hunger doesn’t end when vacation begins. In fact, the summer months are typically a time of increased need for families with kids, as the breakfast and lunch many children rely on at school are no longer readily available,

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People in line at a CalFresh outreach booth.

7 things you might not know about CalFresh

You may know that CalFresh benefits can help with purchasing groceries when money is tight. But did you know that you can double your CalFresh dollars at most Farmers’ Markets? Or that CalFresh is now available to some people receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? For CalFresh Awareness Month, we asked

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What’s on the Food Bank’s hunger-fighting agenda for 2023

Providing food to people when they need it is an important part of fighting hunger – but it’s also important to create a community where healthy food is accessible to everyone. This month, we’re excited to release the Food Bank’s 2023 Legislative Agenda, the list of bills and funding requests

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Food on tables, not in landfills

Food waste is a huge problem – literally. In the U.S. a staggering 40% of all food is wasted each year. Discarded food accounts for nearly one quarter of the material in our landfills. And globally, this wasted, decomposing food is responsible for about 8% of all global emissions. With

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Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Agency Enhancement Grants

Helping our Partners Grow: Our biggest round of granting yet

New trucks, refrigeration units, building improvements and more are on the way for 25 of our agency partners in Contra Costa and Solano Counties as part of our latest round of Agency Enhancement Grants.   When you support the Food Bank, you’re also supporting our network of more than 260 partner

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