Feeding America’s 2021 Advocacy Hall of Fame

We are honored to have again been inducted into Feeding America’s 2021 Advocacy Hall of Fame. This award honors the achievements of Feeding America network food banks who excel in advocacy and policy partnerships. The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano’s Advocacy Team would like to publicly thank our Community Advocacy

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Chelo stand in front of two freezers. These freezers were purchased through the Food Bank's agency enhancement grants.

Agency Enhancement Grant Highlights 2021

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is pleased to offer this annual grant opportunity for agencies who wish to enhance their service. We encourage agencies to think creatively and incorporate client feedback to come up with ways they can provide better service to their communities. Agency Enhancement Grants

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Image of Tina

Meet the Advocates – Tina!

Let us introduce you to Tina Loyola-Cabral! Tina is the dining-room manager for Loaves and Fishes soup kitchen in Antioch, Contra Costa County. She has been involved with the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano for the past three years after graduating from the 2018 Speaker Series. We sat

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MealConnect Provides Solution for Surplus Food

The USDA estimates 30% to 40% of our national food supply goes to waste each year. That waste amounts to 72 billion pounds of perfectly edible food sitting in landfills– enough food to feed roughly 2 billion people. Yet, 1.5 million people here in the Bay Area and 35 million people

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Chevron Community Cookbook

Every year Chevron employees give hundreds of hours in volunteer time. With company COVID-19 protocols, in-person shifts were out of the question in 2020. In addition to generous sponsorships and care packages for our frontline staff, the team at Chevron wanted to find new ways to help. This is their

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Where there is a will, there is a way…

Some could argue our “new normal” for our this COVID-19 society can best be described as “indefinite uncertainty” and frankly, adjusting to this is really hard. As difficult as life is right now for almost everyone, we can’t forget there are thousands of people locally who are struggling just to

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Less Waste means less hunger

We have 1.4 million reasons why it’s important to work together if we are to achieve our common goals. The official numbers are in and the total pounds of food we rescued increased from 3 million to 4.4 million in just one year! What does “rescuing” food involve?  In short,

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Volunteer spotlight on Gary Morin

If you volunteer at our Concord warehouse on a weeknight, you are likely to cross paths with Gary Morin. The first thing you might notice about him is that he is very tall and friendly, and, come rain or come shine, he always has a smile on his face as

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Public Statement: Food for All

CONCORD, JULY 23, 2019 — The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano and our partner agencies are a community-based network that provides food to people in need, no matter what their legal status. Working with our partner agencies, government organizations and the philanthropic community, we make food available to people

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New food drive administrator comes full circle

Donations slow down considerably this time of year, which is why the Letter Carriers’ Food Drive, the nation’s largest one-day food drive, is vital for the Food Bank and for the people it serves. The concept behind the annual event is actually quite simple. On the Saturday before every Mother’s

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Clinical Effort Shows that Sometimes Food is the Best Medicine

Originally posted by Contra Costa Health Services Patients visiting our health centers are now being regularly screened for hunger when they come in for their medical appointments. At intake, patients are given a form that asks if they have been unable to afford food or have been worried about running

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