Find Food in My City

Free food is available near you! Use the map below or the Food Distribution Sites Listed by City tab at the bottom of the page to find a location or call us at 855-309-FOOD (3663).

You may qualify for additional assistance through CalFresh! Find out if you may be eligible for this grocery assistance benefit. Learn more about CalFresh →

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Open Days

Choose the city you live in to see a list of Food Bank programs and services available. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to find the income guidelines. To find emergency food from partner pantries or soup kitchens (not listed here) – or to get help with CalFresh – please contact the Food Bank at 855-309-FOOD (3663).

Contra Costa County

Solano County

Income Guidelines
All Food Bank Programs
Household SizeMax Household Income (Monthly)Max Household Income (Annually)
household members
Add $1,053 eachAdd $12,643 each

 Community Produce Program

Families and individuals can pick up to 20 pounds of FREE fresh produce twice a month. Please choose ONE location.

Partner Food Pantry

Pantries provide FREE food to the public. Please note: Each pantry has its own guidelines. Check with them about specific eligibility requirements and pick-up limits.

Partner Soup Kitchen

Soup kitchens provide FREE meals to anyone who comes in during meal hours. Menus vary, although each soup kitchen tries to offer balanced meals.

 Mobile Pantry Distribution

Families and individuals can pick up FREE fresh produce, proteins, dairy and a variety of nonperishable food once or twice a month. Please choose ONE location.

Senior Food Program

FREE groceries twice a month to individuals aged 55 or older who meet income guidelines. Only one senior per household can receive food. Bring a picture ID and proof of address (PG&E bill, for example).

Food Bank Programs

The Food Bank has served the community since 1975, and we will continue to provide food to our neighbors in need.

We believe no one should go hungry. We want the community to know that if you show up at one of our distributions needing food, we will do our best to get you food.

When you arrive at most of our distributions, you will be asked for your name, the number of people in your household, to confirm (yes or no) that your monthly household income meets the requirements, and to provide your county or zip code.

We ask these to better understand who (and how many people) we are serving and to provide better services. No individual or personally identifiable information will be shared except where required for federal programs you participate in, like CalFresh. If you have any concerns, please ask a staff member about your option to be anonymous.

Please note: For the monthly income question, we will provide you with the income level needed to qualify, and we do not need your exact monthly income, nor do we need proof of your income.

We’re committed to protecting client data and privacy.

If you have any concerns, please contact our team at or 855-309-FOOD (3663).

Partner Food Pantries and Partner Soup Kitchens

Partner food pantries and soup kitchens listed on this map are independent nonprofits and will have their own set of requirements. Please contact the individual agency for their current policies.

Food Bank Programs

We understand there may be fear about immigration officials showing up at distribution sites.

No individual or personally identifiable information will be shared with the government or any outside parties except to determine eligibility, or to complete an application. For example, CalFresh/SNAP/Food Stamps. In that case, we would only share your information with the local county where you live so they can process your application.

Any reports we share outside the Food Bank are de-identified to ensure the privacy of our community members.

The Food Bank will do everything in our power to protect you and give you the food you need. If you have any questions, please contact our team at or 855-309-FOOD (3663).

Partner Food Pantries and Partner Soup Kitchens

Partner food pantries and soup kitchens listed on this map are independent nonprofits and will have their own set of requirements and privacy policies. Please contact the individual agency for more information.

Additional Community Resources

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Here are some helpful links to resources that you may find useful: